Just Vibez is a collective of musicians, artists, graphic designers, food caterers, community organisers and event planners. Over the last several years they have done a number of events engaging the young black community and bringing joy to this demographic.
Just Vibez 
They have held events around London from Tottenham to the Royal Festival Hall (South Bank), the National Portrait Gallery, The Greenwich Peninsula to Brixton House. Their event themes have ranged from Windrush day to Black History Month events to Community Easter events. They are keen to continue engaging young Black people and bring light and joy to their lives and the lives of the wider Black community.
In 2022, Just Vibez planned and executed a "Caribbean Christmas Family Fiesta" which engaged Black people from the ages of 0 to 25 and their families and wider community. They thank the Bayo Family for their support on this event.
Activities included:
Live music - steel band, parang singing
Edutainment sessions where young Black attendees learnt about African and Caribbean traditions and had an opportunity to create pieces of art such as Carnival headpieces and Junkanoo costumes.
Self Expression - young Black people in attendance were encouraged to express themselves through song and dance with professionals in these fields. 
Achievements of the event:
Approximately 350 persons in attendance on the evening.
The majority of attendees were of the AfroCaribbean diaspora.
All in attendance were very pleased with the programme of “edutainment” offered.
Younger children and teens enjoyed making their junkanoo headpieces and dancing to Caribbean music.
Parents were happy to have an opportunity to entertain their children for FREE and also for them to learn and get joy from the activities.
Older children and young adults enjoyed the dance classes conducted by our colleagues Speakerbox, getting all ages involved. This was a particularly joyous moment in the evening as all ages joined in the dance.
Older generations, many of whom were born in the Caribbean were VERY happy to hear the sweet sound of steel band and parang.
The venue was very happy with the turn out and the “edutainment” and joy gained on the evening.
We were very happy to have members of the Ubele /Bayo in attendance at the event also.
The event was very successful bringing joy to members of the African/Caribbean community at Christmas time in the heart of London.
Follow @justvibez on Instagram to stay up to date with all of their fabulous events!